GETHOMOTOPICCONNECTIONS Returns homotopic connections from connectome


out = getHomotopicConnections(W)
[out, mask] = getHomotopicConnections(W)


out = getHomotopicConnections(W) returns the homotopic connections between the two hemispheres in a connectome i.e. the diagonal of the bottom left quadrant of the connectome matrix.

[out, mask] = getHomotopicConnections(W) also returns a binary mask of the positions in the connectome matrix that represent these homotopic connections.


out = getHomotopicConnections(magic(10) + magic(10).');
[out, mask] = getHomotopicConnections(magic(10) + magic(10).');

Input Arguments

W - connectome (symmetric matrix | vectorised lower triangle of matrix)
The values in W represent the undirected connections between each region. If
W is a matrix, the bottom left quadrant should contain the connections
between hemispheres, with entries along the main diagonal of this quadrant
being the homotopic connections. Alternatively, W can be the vectorised lower
triangle of the connectome matrix e.g. the output from

Output Arguments

out - homotopic connections (numeric column vector)
mask - mask of location of homotopic connections (logical matrix | logical vector)
A binary mask of the matrix entries from where the homotopic entries were
extracted. If the input is a square matrix, this will also be a square
matrix. If the input is a vector, this will be a row vector.

See Also



Mehul Gajwani, Monash University, 2024


  • add support/warnings for non-symmetric matrices