WRITEFRONTMATTER Add YAML-style frontmatter to file


writeFrontmatter(filepath, dataStruct)
fm = writeFrontmatter(filepath, dataStruct)


writeFrontmatter(filepath, dataStruct) adds the data from the key-value pairs in the struct dataStruct to the file specified by filepath as YAML-styele frontmatter. If the target file already has frontmatter, any fields contained in both the original and new data will be overwritten.

fm = writeFrontmatter(filepath, dataStruct) also returns the text that was written in the N fields of dataStruct as an N × 1 string array.


writeFrontmatter(tempname(pwd), struct('f1', 'v1', 'f2', 'v2'));
f = tempname(pwd); fid = fopen(f, 'w'); fm = writeFrontmatter(f, struct('f1', 'v1', 'f2', 'v2')); fclose(fid);
f = tempname(pwd); fid = fopen(f, 'w'); writeFrontmatter(f, struct('f1', 'v1', 'f2', 'v2')); writeFrontmatter(f, struct('f1', 'v11', 'f3', 'v3')); fclose(fid);

Input Arguments

filepath - file path (character vector | string scalar)

dataStruct - data to be written (struct) Each field and the value within will be written to the specified file. Any fields in the file that are not also in this struct will be retained. And fields in the file that are also in this struct will be overwritten.

Output Arguments

fm - text written into front matter (string array)


Mehul Gajwani, Monash University, 2024

See also
